Is Fido Invited to Thanksgiving Dinner? Lessons from the Pilgrims on what to feed your dog.

Dr. Michael Forcier

History suggests that the first Thanksgiving on American soil took place in 1621, at the Plymouth Plantation subdivision somewhere in New England. In Edward Winslow’s account of the event, the first successful harvest in the New World was the impetus for the gathering and the party went on for three days! Nearly 90 Native Americans hunkered down with another 53 of Winslow’s closest pilgrim friends. Nowhere in the document does Winslow mention that dogs were a part of the celebration; not under tables begging for scraps of wild turkey, corn, venison or eel, not circumnavigating the skirts of pilgrim women as they cooked and baked, and not stealthily licking the dessert plates as pilgrim men, belts loosened to the last notch, slept in front of the football game Continue reading